Fit4Baby® is a program designed to strengthen the body for all the changes it will experience during pregnancy. Even better, regular activities such as Fit4Baby® classes can help to reduce many maternal aches and pains, increase energy during pregnancy, and may speed the labor, delivery, and recovery process. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), exercise is just as important during pregnancy as at any other time of life.
We train and certify our Fit4Baby® instructors so they are fully equipped to lead pregnant women in exercises that are safe and appropriate for their changing bodies. Fit4Baby® classes are interval-based, combining elements of strength training, cardiovascular exercises, and stretching and balancing exercises.
Pregnancy is the perfect time to commit to your and your baby's health. Exercise is an important component of your pregnant well-being, as well as your strength as a new mom.
We encourage each member of any FIT4MOM® program to seek a physician's approval before starting any exercise program. Fit4Baby®: helping soon-to-be mothers find the STRENGTH FOR MOTHERHOOD!
We will now be offering FIT4BABY classes weekly and you can access them by either purchasing the 6-week FIT4Baby Session Pass (join session anytime), paying a drop-in fee, or purchasing one of our unlimited memberships which includes access to all classes FIT4MOM Palmdale offers, including virtual.
Pass details
- 6 visits
- Any location
- Unused visits expire after 6 weeks
- View Terms and Conditions
Can be used for